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Oxford Chiropractic Clinic News & Announcements

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Previous News & Announcements

Dear Patients,

With great excitement we can officially announce the opening of our new Oxford Bioresonance clinic at OCC.

Over the past few years, it has been a family affair for Dr Jon Howat and his daughters Kate and Juliet, as they have been studying and training in Bioresonance therapy. All are certified practitioners of Bioresonance according to Paul Schmidt.

Oxford Bioresonance’s clinic doors are now open at St Luke’s Hospital with Practitioner Juliet Howat.

For further information or to book a consultation please email or call the clinic at 01865 761802.

Kind regards,
From us all at OCC and Oxford Bioresonance

Dear Patients,

We are delighted to announce the return of Dr Kate Howat to clinical practice and we are certain her old patients will be as delighted as we are to welcome her back.

Kate’s diary will be opened to existing patients for appointments on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday afternoons starting in March 2023.

Last year Kate resigned from the General Chiropractic Council (GCC) and registration and no longer uses the title Chiropractor, Kate will now be known as a Cranio Fascial Dynamics (CFD) Practitioner using the techniques developed by her father, Dr Jonathan Howat and the same assessment and treatment techniques used in the past at OCC.

Having trained with her father for many years in CFD, Kate qualified and now, alongside her father, teaches and assesses students in CFD from all over the world. For more information on CFD go to

Kind regards,
From us all at OCC

GDPR & Privacy Information

GDPR is bringing in new legal protection for personal information from May 2018. This tells you what personal information we hold and why, and what your rights are.

Organisation name: Oxford Chiropractic Clinic Limited (OCC)
Address: St Lukes’s Hospital, Latimer Road
Telephone No: 01865 761802
Please direct any enquiries relating to GDPR to

Purpose of processing the Information we hold
As part of your patient record, this clinic is required to retain for the purpose of consultation for treatment, the recording of subsequent treatments and contact details for use by the Clinic its employees – Clinic practitioners, receptionists and staff directly involved with patient management of this clinic.
The purpose of holding and using the information we retain is to provide you with the best possible support and related services for your chiropractic appointments and care.
Lawful Basis for holding and using Patient information
The lawful basis under which we hold and use your information is “our legitimate interests” i.e.our requirement to retain the information you provide to us in order to provide you with the best possible related support and related services support.
What information we hold and what we do with it
In order to provide services and support, we need to ask for and keep information about you. We will not use this information for any other purpose (except as required for legal purposes) without your prior consent. The information to be held is:
? Your contact details – phone numbers, email and postal address
? Your DOB
? Your medical history for the purpose of your care
? Record of appointments
? Record of any payments – date, payment method and amount
? We use a third-party provider to hold our database and diary, through this agreement they deliver emails and text reminders to you and no other information. Your information is only accessed by OCC staff and kept on our computers and within our secure hard copy filing systems.

How long we keep your information for
We keep all information as long as you are a current Patient and for a legal period since your last visit.
Data Security
We are committed to ensuring that your personal data is secure. In order to prevent unauthorised access or disclosure, we have put in place appropriate technical, physical and managerial procedures to safeguard and secure the information we collect from you. You would be informed if there is a breach of security and we would inform the ICO.
We will always contact you using the contact preferences you have given us.

GDPR gives you the following rights:
• The right to be informed:
To know how your information will be held and used (this notice).
• The right of access:
To see our records of your personal information, so you know what is held about you and can verify it.
• The right to rectification:
To tell us to make changes to your personal information if it is incorrect or incomplete.
• The right to erasure (also called “the right to be forgotten”):
For you to request us to erase any information they hold about you if you ask them not to hold it anymore
• The right to restrict processing of personal data:
You have the right to request limits on how we use your personal information
• The right to data portability: under certain circumstances, you can request a copy of personal information held electronically so you can reuse it in other systems.
• The right to object:.
To be able to tell us you don’t want them to use certain parts of your information, or only to use it for certain purposes.
• Rights in relation to automated decision-making and profiling.
• The right to lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioner’s Office:
To be able to complain to the ICO if you feel your details are not correct, if they are not being used in a way that you have given permission for, or if they are being stored when they don’t have to be.
Full details of your rights can be found at

OCC Rights – Please note:
? We have to keep your records for a certain period as described above, which may mean that even if you ask us to erase any details about you, we might have to keep these details until after that period has passed
? We can move records between our computers and IT systems, as long as your details are protected from being seen by others without your permission.

Privacy Notice And Consent Statement

I (Patient’s name) give consent to the Oxford Chiropractic Clinic Limited, its Practitioners, Receptionists and Staff to maintain and retain records for the duration of my treatment as outlined in this document.



If you are under 16years of age this consent should be given and signed by a parent or legal guardian and state relationship.

Oxford Chiropractic Clinic News & Announcements | 01865 761802